About the Blog

As some of you may know, this blog used to be titled “Renaissance Man” as an homage to the way I approach life: learn and do many different things and find the connections between all those things, because knowledge is power. More than that, knowledge is exponentially powerful: the more we know, the more we can know. In that vein, this blog has been and continues to be educational, providing knowledge that I find to be empowering.

In recent years, I’ve dug more into and learned more about the health and wellness space; in doing so, the more I’ve become intrigued by it and the more I’ve realized that this is some of the most important and empowering information out there. So, going forward (starting May 2023), I’ve decided to rename this blog “Fit Life, Full Life”. The purpose is still to educate, but with more of a focus on wellness-related content (fitness facts, health tips, motivational psychology, etc.). There might still be some posts that are informative more for the sake of interestingness (or the like), but most of the content will be geared towards helping people live healthy, happy, full lives.

Jesus tells us that He came so that we “may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10, NIV). My hope and prayer is that this blog will help you to be healthier and, more importantly, to help you better know Jesus and experience the full life He promises.

Yours truly,
D. R. Meriwether
Renaissance Man and Abundant Life Liver

Header image credit: me

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